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Trademark Registration in Hyderabad

We are providing precision, integrity, and reliability in delivering expert financial solutions you can trust.

Trademark Objection

Trademark objection is a formal response issued by the Registrar when a trademark application violates legal rules, lacks uniqueness, or conflicts with existing trademarks, requiring clarification or correction.

Trademark Hearing

Trademark hearing is a formal proceeding where the applicant defends their trademark before the Registrar, addressing objections raised during the examination, to prove its validity and eligibility for registration.

Trademark Rectification

Trademark rectification is a legal process to correct errors, modify, or cancel a registered trademark in the Trademark Register due to non-use, wrongful entry, or violation of existing laws or rights. Once Check The Violation .

Trademark Renewal

Trademark renewal is the process of extending the validity of a registered trademark beyond its 10-year term by filing a renewal application and paying the prescribed fee to maintain exclusive rights. Get Hurry To Check offers with us.

Overview Of Trademark Registration

A Trademark is a unique identifier, such as a name, logo, symbol, word, or combination of these, that distinguishes the goods or services of one business from others. Trademark registration provides legal protection to the owner, preventing unauthorized use and helping establish a brand identity.

Different Types of Trademark Registrations

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Documents Required To Register a Company In India

Basic Documents
Trademark Details
Power of Attorney (Form TM-48)
Start-Up or Small Enterprise Proof (If Applicable)
Priority Claim Documents (If Applicable)
Partnership/LLP-Specific Documents
Additional Documents (If Required)
How it works

Easy Step Process To register a Trademark

Trademark Search

Choose whether to register a partnership, sole proprietorship, limited liability business, or private limited company

First Step
Choose the Appropriate Class

Apply for a Digital Signature Certificate for directors or partners to e-sign documents, Authorized certifying authorities issue DSCs.

Second Step
File the Trademark Application

Directors must obtain a DIN by applying through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal.

Third Step
Examination by Registrar

Submit an application for name approval using the RUN (Reserve Unique Name) service on the MCA portal.

Fourth Step
Publication in Trademark Journal

Draft the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA)

Fifth Step
Trademark Registration Certificate

Once the application is approved, you will receive a Certificate of Incorporation (COI).

Sixth Step

We provide expert advice for all size businesses.

providing expert advice tailored for businesses of all sizes, ensuring effective solutions for growth and compliance.

Why Choose Gajjala associates

Keep all the money that is yours.

We are able to give professional financial solutions you can rely on with efficiency, truthfulness, and trust.

We Believe in Best Quality

It shows a dedication to value, delivering outstanding customer service and a constant dedication to meet client expectations.

We Believe in Good Relation

It puts priority on creating strong, trustworthy connections based on mutual respect, cooperation, and development.

We Believe in Abilities

It shows faith in the ability to overcome difficulties with perseverance and the power of talent.


Trademark Registration FAQ's

Here Faq’s Of Trademark Registration 

Frequently Ask Questions.

A trademark is a unique identifier like a name, logo, symbol, word, or design that distinguishes your goods or services from others in the market.

You can conduct a trademark search on the official Trademark Registry's database to ensure your mark is unique and not already registered or pending.

The process typically takes 6 to 18 months, depending on whether objections or oppositions arise during the registration process.

A registered trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of application and can be renewed 


Yes, you can use the trademark with the ™ symbol to indicate it’s under application, but full protection is granted only after registration.


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